Volunteer Positions

Our volunteers are dedicated individuals and key players to the success and preservation of the Monterey Pass Battlefield Park and Museum. Our staff are trained each spring in preparation for the April-November season. Why should you consider volunteering? Volunteering is a great way to contribute to the mission statement and goals of the Monterey Pass Battlefield, and help promote and protect and preserve this great historical and cultural resource.  volunteer form.pdf

Public speaking not for you? Be part of the various committees that the Friends of the Monterey Pass Battlefield, Inc. have to offer. Are you an energetic person? Do you like to socialize about history? Are you great with people? Are you good with fundraising and getting donations? If so, the FMPB, Inc. has several committees that range from Facilities to Memberships. If you have strong communication skills and marketing skills, the FMPB, Inc. is looking for you. The time commitment for these committees range from meeting once a month to meeting as needed when projects are being undertaken.

The Monterey Pass Battlefield Park and Museum is looking for a few good interns and non-paid volunteers to help operate the Monterey Pass Battlefield Park’s museum. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please email John A. Miller.
  1. Volunteer Park Ranger
    Volunteer Park Ranger Responsibilities: Enforce the rules and regulations of the park through compliance. Check the security cameras throughout the park. Conduct walkthroughs of the park at least two times a day or as needed. Pick up any trash on the museum grounds and throughout the park grounds. Fill in as a museum docent and interpreter when needed. Must have good communication and public speaking skills. Volunteers in this position must attend both the Museum Docent and Battlefield Interpreter trainings. Provide historical interpretive tours, talks, and education programming as needed. Volunteers must be 18 years or older.* Battlefield Interpreter training: New candidates: 3 full days Returning interpreters: 1 full day Training Dates will be conducted in March of every year. Museum Docents training: New candidates: 1 full day Returning interpreters: 1/2 day Training Dates will be conducted in March of every year. Hours of Operation: Open weekends from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Time Commitment: Volunteer Rangers are expected to schedule a minimum of 2-3 full days per month during the months of April through November.
  2. Museum Docent
    Volunteer Museum Docents Responsibilities: Position requires working with the public, opening and closing the Monterey Pass Battlefield Museum, cleaning the museum and restrooms, grounds maintenance, record daily visitor statistics, and provide assistance to visitors at the park information table. Knowledge of the battle and artifact exhibits is helpful, and will be covered in seasonal training. Volunteers must be 18 years or older.* Museum Docents training: New candidates: 1 full day Returning interpreters: 1/2 day Training Dates will be conducted in March of every year. Hours of Operation 2016: Open weekends from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Seasonal Time Commitment: Docents are expected to schedule a minimum of 1 day per month during the months of April through November when the museum closes.
  3. Battlefield Interpreter
    Volunteer Battlefield Interpreter Responsibilities: Provide historical interpretive tours, talks, and education programming. Good research, communication and public speaking skills are required. Volunteers in this position must attend a historic weapons training and become familiar with our living history standards. Volunteers must be 18 years or older. * Battlefield Interpreter training: New candidates: 3 full days Returning interpreters: 1 full day Training Dates will be conducted in March of every year. Hours of Operation 2016: Open weekends from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Time Commitment: Interpreters are expected to schedule a minimum of 1 full day per month during the months of May through October. Programs times should be scheduled between the hours of 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Must abide by the historic weapons policy and authenticity standards. Special events, programs, living history, tours and educational opportunities as they rise.
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